Monday, October 12, 2009

To Blog or not to Blog

Why do it? Why excrete reams of amateur philosophy and personal anecdotes into cyberspace? Is it the epitome of megalomania? I suppose it is - if you are deluded enough to believe your views are going to have any impact on the world. On the other hand, if you are just looking for an opportunity to vent in a world where dialogue has become an endangered species, perhaps blogging is just a good way of clarifying your thoughts.

With that in mind, I make my first blog entry, recursively. Hopefully my words will not go completely unnoticed, even if they fail to change a single life, let alone the world.


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  4. Thank you for such a well thought critique of the work. This is my personal blog, however, and not the correct place to post it. Now I guess I will be disabling comments here as well.

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